Are Styled-Components Slower? Performance Insights and Alternatives

Are Styled-Components Slower? Understanding Performance and Alternatives

When building a React application, performance is a critical consideration. Developers often ask: “Are styled-components slower?” The short answer is, not necessarily. But, like with most things in development, the longer answer is more nuanced and depends on how styled-components are used.

What Are Styled-Components?

Styled-components is a popular library for React and React Native that allows developers to use component-level styles in their applications. It leverages tagged template literals in JavaScript and CSS to create styled React components. This method offers a great developer experience by combining the power of JavaScript with the flexibility of CSS.

The Performance Debate

The question of whether styled-components are slower typically arises from concerns about the following:

  1. Runtime CSS Generation: Styled-components generate unique class names for styles at runtime. This means that every time a styled component is rendered, some processing happens to apply the styles. For very large applications, this could potentially introduce a performance hit.
  2. Dynamic Styling: If your application heavily relies on dynamic styling, styled-components can introduce overhead as they calculate styles on the fly based on props or state changes.
  3. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): In server-side rendered applications, there might be concerns about the time it takes to generate and serve CSS on the first load. However, styled-components offer features like ServerStyleSheet to optimize CSS generation on the server, mitigating these concerns.

When Styled-Components Might Be Slower

Styled-components could introduce some latency in the following scenarios:

  • High Frequency of Re-Renders: If your application has many components re-rendering frequently, styled-components could add a small overhead due to runtime processing.
  • Excessive Use of Dynamic Styles: Constant recalculation of styles based on changing props could slow things down slightly, especially if not optimized.
  • Large-Scale Applications: In very large applications with numerous styled components, the cumulative effect of runtime style generation might become noticeable.

Why Styled-Components Are Worth It

Despite these potential performance considerations, styled-components offer several benefits that often outweigh the downsides:

  • Maintainability: By scoping styles to components, you reduce the risk of style clashes and make it easier to maintain your codebase.
  • Flexibility: Styled-components allow you to easily apply conditional styles and theme your application.
  • CSS-in-JS Advantages: By keeping styles in JavaScript, styled-components allow for better reuse of variables, logic, and themes across your app.
  • Optimization Strategies: There are optimization techniques available, like using shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo, to prevent unnecessary re-renders, thus mitigating any performance concerns.

The Kitchn Alternative

If you’re looking for an alternative that offers similar benefits but is optimized for performance, consider Kitchn. Kitchn is a UI kit designed for React developers that focuses on both developer experience and performance. It comes with pre-built components like buttons, modals, and tooltips, all optimized to minimize runtime processing while providing an excellent user experience.

Kitchn strikes a balance between flexibility and speed, ensuring that your application performs well even at scale. Unlike styled-components, Kitchn’s styles are pre-compiled, which reduces runtime overhead and boosts performance, especially in large applications.


Styled-components are not inherently slow, but their performance impact depends on how you use them. For most applications, the benefits of styled-components far outweigh any potential downsides. However, if performance is a critical concern and you’re looking for an alternative, Kitchn offers a compelling solution with optimized components that deliver both speed and flexibility.