

What is Kitchn?

Kitchn is a styled-components (opens in a new tab) suite of components that are designed to work together to create a beautiful and consistent UI. Inspired by Geist (opens in a new tab) and Vercel Design (opens in a new tab) with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. This library is maintained by Tonight Pass (opens in a new tab).

What do you mean by "styled-components suite of components"?

Kitchn is a collection of components that are built using styled-components. This means that you can use these components in your React applications and style them using styled-components.


This package is still in active development and is not yet ready for production use. We are working hard to get it ready for you as soon as possible. If you would like to help us, please check out our contributing guide.

Who is Kitchn for?

Kitchn is designed for developers, designers, and product teams who are building React applications and want a streamlined, consistent UI component library. Whether you're a:

  • Front-end Developer: Kitchn provides a set of reusable components to accelerate your development process, allowing you to focus on building features rather than styling from scratch.

  • UI/UX Designer: If you're looking for a component library that adheres to modern design principles and integrates seamlessly with styled-components, Kitchn offers a solid foundation to implement your designs.

  • Product Team: Kitchn's focus on simplicity and consistency can help ensure that your product's UI remains cohesive and user-friendly throughout the development cycle.

What can you do with Kitchn?

With Kitchn, you can:

  • Build Beautiful Interfaces: Leverage pre-designed components to create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interfaces that maintain a consistent look and feel.

  • Customize Components Easily: Use the power of styled-components to easily customize and extend the default styles to fit your unique branding and design needs.

  • Accelerate Development: Speed up your development and design process by utilizing a library of ready-to-use React and Figma components, reducing the need for repetitive styling tasks.

  • Ensure Consistency: Maintain a uniform design language across your application, thanks to Kitchn’s thoughtful design inspired by popular design systems.

  • Simplify Maintenance:: With components designed to work well together, you can streamline updates and maintenance, ensuring your UI remains cohesive as you evolve your application.

Kitchn aims to be a valuable tool in your development toolkit, providing you with a robust set of components that help you build better interfaces faster.

Key Features


Kitchn adheres rigorously to WAI-ARIA standards, ensuring that all components are fully accessible and inclusive for users with disabilities.


Tailor every aspect of our components to suit your design specifications, allowing for extensive customization and branding consistency.

Active Community

Our dedicated team of maintainers is always ready to assist you. We actively use Kitchn in our own products, ensuring ongoing improvements and robust support.

Responsive support

Utilize our straightforward responsive system to build web applications that look great on any device, from mobile phones to desktops.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Kitchn seamlessly integrates with React, React Native, and any React-based frameworks, offering versatile support across different platforms and environments.

Reusable hooks

Enhance your applications with a variety of practical hooks designed to streamline development and improve functionality.

Enhanced Developer Experience

Experience a significant boost in productivity when developing your web or mobile applications, thanks to Kitchn’s developer-friendly design and features.

Light & Dark Mode

Easily switch between light and dark themes to accommodate different user preferences and enhance the visual appeal of your application.

Stylable Components

Redesign effortlessly using our pre-implemented styled components, making it simple to align Kitchn with your standard styling requirements.

Comparison with Competitive React UI Kits

Kitchn vs. Material-UI

Material-UI (or MUI) is a popular UI library that implements Google's Material Design principles. It offers a wide range of components and customization options.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Material-UI follows Google's Material Design, which can be quite opinionated and might not fit all design needs.

  • Component Library: Material-UI has a comprehensive set of components with advanced customization options.

  • Performance: Known for its robust performance, but can be heavy if not used carefully.

Why Choose Kitchn?

Kitchn provides a simpler, more streamlined approach to UI components inspired by modern design principles without the constraints of Material Design. It’s ideal for projects that need a clean, consistent look without the heavy customization burden of Material-UI.

Kitchn vs. Ant Design

Ant Design is another extensive UI library that offers a wide range of components with a focus on enterprise-level applications.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Ant Design follows a design language that’s more tailored to enterprise applications, which might not be suitable for all use cases.

  • Component Variety: Ant Design provides a broad array of components with built-in functionality, particularly for complex applications.

  • Customization: Customizing Ant Design components can be complex and may require additional setup.

Why Choose Kitchn?

Kitchn’s focus on simplicity and ease of use makes it a great choice for teams looking for a more straightforward component library. It’s less about enterprise-specific features and more about providing an elegant, flexible foundation for various applications.

Kitchn vs. Chakra UI

Chakra UI emphasizes simplicity and accessibility, with a strong focus on building accessible React applications.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Chakra UI is designed to be highly accessible with a component library that supports custom themes.

  • Customization: It offers easy customization with its style system but might not provide as many out-of-the-box components as Kitchn.

  • Performance: Chakra UI is known for its performance and accessibility but may lack some design consistency features.

Why Choose Kitchn?

While Chakra UI excels in accessibility, Kitchn offers a well-rounded design system that ensures consistency and simplicity. Kitchn’s focus on a cohesive visual language and its integration with styled-components makes it a strong contender for projects requiring both customization and aesthetic consistency.

Kitchn vs. Semantic UI

Semantic UI uses natural language principles to create a user-friendly UI library. It’s known for its ease of use and semantic class names.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Semantic UI focuses on human-friendly HTML and CSS class names, making it intuitive to use.

  • Component Library: Provides a wide range of components but can be less flexible in terms of customization compared to styled-components.

  • Customization: Customizing Semantic UI components can be cumbersome and may require overriding existing styles.

Why Choose Kitchn?

Kitchn’s use of styled-components allows for more flexible and scalable styling solutions compared to Semantic UI’s approach. It also integrates seamlessly with modern React practices, offering a more contemporary solution for React-based applications.

Kitchn vs. Geist UI

Geist UI offers a minimalist and clean design system inspired by Vercel (ex Zeit), emphasizing simplicity and ease of use.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Geist UI provides a clean, minimalistic design that aligns well with modern design trends.

  • Component Library: Offers a limited set of components compared to some larger libraries, focusing on essential elements.

  • Customization: Customization options are somewhat limited compared to more flexible libraries like Kitchn.

Why Choose Kitchn?

Kitchn builds on the simplicity of design systems like Geist UI but provides a more extensive set of components and better customization options. It’s ideal for projects that need a balance between minimalism and flexibility.

Kitchn vs. Shadcn UI

Shadcn UI is a relatively new library that focuses on providing high customization capabilities and modern design aesthetics. It leverages Radix UI for its foundational components.

Comparison Points:

  • Design Philosophy: Shadcn UI emphasizes a highly customizable and modern design approach. It provides flexibility to adapt to various design requirements but may lack the built-in consistency found in more mature libraries.

  • Component Library: Shadcn UI utilizes Radix UI components, which are known for their low-level, unstyled primitives that developers can build upon. While Radix UI offers a robust foundation, Shadcn UI adds its own layer of design and customization, which may not yet be as mature as more established libraries.

  • Customization: Shadcn UI is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor components extensively. However, this high level of customization can lead to increased complexity in integration and design consistency.

  • Foundation: Shadcn UI uses Radix UI for its base components. Radix UI provides low-level primitives and focuses on accessibility, but the additional layer of Shadcn UI adds higher-level design and customization options.

Why Choose Kitchn?

Kitchn, despite being newer, offers a balanced approach that combines modern design principles with simplicity and ease of use. While Shadcn UI provides high customization through Radix UI, Kitchn ensures a cohesive and stable design system with a more straightforward integration process. Kitchn's components are designed to work together seamlessly, offering a reliable and user-friendly solution for both new and existing projects.

We welcome contributions and feedback from the community. If you would like to help us, please check out our contributing guide.